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It's time to celebrate as your little ones "graduate" from their current classes! (But not to worry, no one will actually be changing classes until the beginning of the next scholar year in August.) Below is some information about the graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 10th.
Date & Time
- Saturday, June 10th from 9:00AM - 12:00PM (see below details for each class).
- Please bring your child to the venue no earlier than 10 minutes before their class' ceremony begins. To avoid disrupting other class' ceremonies, we ask that you wait in the lobby until your teacher comes to collect your child.
- After your child's ceremony is over, please transition back out into the lobby, where coffee and light refreshments will be served.
Class Ceremonies & Outfits
- Pre-Toddler A & B (9:00AM - 9:45AM): The school will put a special white shirt in your child's backpack one week prior to graduation. Please bring your child to the ceremony wearing this shirt and khaki pants. Please also put one of your child's own shirts (in a labeled ziploc bag) in their backpack on Thursday/Friday so that the teachers can change the children back into their own clothes after the ceremony (the white shirts will go back with INIC).
- Toddler A & B (10:00AM - 10:45AM): The school will put a special white shirt in your child's backpack one week prior to graduation. Please bring your child to the ceremony wearing this shirt and khaki pants. Please also put one of your child's own shirts (in a labeled ziploc bag) in their backpack on Thursday/Friday so that the teachers can change the children back into their own clothes after the ceremony (the white shirts will go back with INIC).
- Pre-School A (11:00AM - 12:00PM): Girls should wear a colorful dress or a colorful skirt and a short-sleeved blouse. Boys should wear a short-sleeved, colorful button-up shirt and khaki pants. INIC will provide accessories at the ceremony.
- Pre-School B (11:00AM - 12:00PM): Girls should wear a formal dress, and boys should wear a formal shirt and pants. INIC will provide accessories at the ceremony.
- Pre-K (11:00AM - 12:00PM): Girls should wear a short-sleeved white blouse and black leggings. Boys should wear a short-sleeved, white button-up shirt and blue jeans.
Venue & Parking
- St. Edwards University (3001 South Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704).
- John Brooks William Natural Sciences South Building // Carter Auditorium // Room 186 (Building 17 on this map, highlighted in pink)
- Easiest access point is from Woodward Street & Theatre Pass Entrance (highlighted in orange on the map)
- Park in the Visitor parking lots (marked in purple and navy on the map). If the Visitor parking lots fill up, park in the Green Commuter parking lots (between Visitor parking lot and Building 19).
- If you get lost, call the University Police at 512-448-8444